After deployment many times Global.asax stops working.The below code can be used to check if it is working or not. More details can be found at
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.Write("ApplicationInstance: " + Context.ApplicationInstance.GetType().FullName);
It will output something like: "ApplicationInstance: ASP.global_asax" if the global.asax is loaded,
OR "ApplicationInstance: System.Web.HttpApplication" if the global.asax is NOT loaded.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.Write("ApplicationInstance: " + Context.ApplicationInstance.GetType().FullName);
It will output something like: "ApplicationInstance: ASP.global_asax" if the global.asax is loaded,
OR "ApplicationInstance: System.Web.HttpApplication" if the global.asax is NOT loaded.